- Average to Low Average Intellectual Abilities
- Developmental Disabilities
- General Difficulty in Manageability
- Poor Self-help Skills Development
Students accepted at Hopedale have to be between the ages of five (5) and twenty (20) at the time of enrollment.
Students are admitted to the Program after submitting a comprehensive evaluation profile. This comprehensive evaluation is essential to determining whether Hopedale’s Program is appropriate for the applicant. The evaluation profile also enhances Hopedale’s ability to tailor instruction to students’ needs.
A comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation is essential to determine whether or not Hopedale’s program is appropriate for a potential student’s needs. If other facilities or programs can better meet the individual’s current requirements, specific recommendations are provided to the parents.
The diagnostic evaluation includes assessments of the student’s:
A detailed developmental history as well as the student’s school records are requested.
As a part of the evaluation process parents meet the school psychologist for an in-depth, interpretive conference during which diagnostic findings and recommendations are discussed. An individual education plan (IEP) is explained in relation to the student’s strengths and weaknesses. The individual educational plan (IEP) is evaluated for measurable effectiveness in meeting the student’s needs and, when necessary, modified for program improvements.
Concern for Hopedale students extends beyond formal scheduled meetings and professional duties as demonstrated by the many informal sessions among the staff, during which the child’s progress and potential are discussed.
Intellectual and emotional development
Learning style and educational achievement levels
The evaluation profile also enhances Hopedale’s ability to tailor instruction to students’ needs.